3 July 2013

July 3, 2013

Had an interesting thought last night: happiness as a result of transitioning from fear to comfort.

Fear ----------------> Comfort

This thought came to me after watching the documentary:"Happy." (If you haven't seen this documentary, stop everything you're doing and watch it now. It's hands down the best documentary I've ever seen.) The studies in the film claims that 50% of happiness is genetic and that whenever we experience particularly happy or sad emotions, we should settle back to our "happiness setpoint." 10% of happiness is based on circumstances of our lives: status, stuff, money, career. And the remaining 40% is the part that we have control over.

This 40% is influenced mostly by the following factors which make people the happiest: physical exercise which releases dopamine in the brain, being close with friends and family, laughing, being in the flow which is to lose yourself in an activity or hobby that makes you happy, community is also one of the top factors which is to be close and help others, helping friends and strangers, expressing gratitude.

Also, extrinsic factors--looks, money, fame, things, and anything outside of ourselves--are trumped by intrinsic factors which are internal such as peace and happiness.

Compassion meditation is also supposed to help–something I'll try to incorporate in my meditation practice.

"Making money is happiness. And that's a great incentive… but making other people happy is super– happiness." - Video of Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus receiving the Forbes Philanthropy Summit Award.
Fast forward to 11:02 or click here:


  1. "....happiness as a result of transitioning from fear to comfort." So, so true. Great post. I'm looking forward to checking out that documentary. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Caris. Let me know what you think of the documentary when you do watch it! Highly recommended!!!
